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Youth Achievement, Resilience and Success Since 1978

How You Can Help:


How You Can Help Thank you Reality Church of Boston for donating Thanksgiving baskets for KeySteps youth distributed by Nancy Young, KeySteps Senior Counselor (l) and Josette Teneus, Charlestown High School Guidance Counselor(r) - pictured in first photo. 11/24/14.


Make a cash donation to our agency which helps makes a difference in the lives of over 400 Boston youth each year - and last year helped 71 Boston youth graduate. Donate Today »

Use Amazon Smiles

KeySteps is a part of the Amazon Smiles program. During the holidays and throughout the year when you shop at Amazon, designate KeySteps as your charity of choice and Amazon will donate 0.5% of the price of your eligible Amazon Smile purchase to KeySteps.

Purchase Gift Cards

This holiday season and throughout the year when you are shopping at department stores, grocery stores, pharmacies and more - help answer the many complex needs of our youth by purchasing a prepaid debit card or gift card for a city-based vendor.

In January - after the gift giving subsides - with the cost of heat and other essentials skyrocketing - our youth and their families can find themselves short on cash to pay for heat, food and more. If you donate a gift card in any amount, it will help our youth and their families stay warm, be well fed and clothed.

In the spring - a gift card can help our youth use their money to rent a cap and gown, pay for prom expenses, pay last minutes fees for college admission and other year-end expenses.

Throughout the summer and fall - a gift card can help our youth cover unexpected costs for transportation to summertime employment and higher education, school supplies, childcare, books for college and more.

If you do purchase a gift card, please send it to:
KeySteps Inc.
Attn: Bette Bohlke O'Gara, LICSW
Executive Director
P.O. Box 300766
Jamaica Plain, MA 02130-0007

We will be sure to be in touch - and to tell you what how your gift was used!