Youth Statistics:
Diverse services for diverse needs

The collective ability of our talented Master's level staff to provide flexible, responsive year round school based and summertime services for a diverse set of youth ages 11-22 is our hallmark.
Our most recent statistics indicate that of five hundred twenty four (524) youth: young men, young women, expectant and parenting teens, newcomers to the country, special needs youth and others served:
- Four hundred sixteen (416) were enrolled at five high school sites
- Eighty seven (87) were graduates of high school seeking out additional counseling and support to enable successful entry to higher education, employment and post high school training
- Twenty one (21) were out-of-school and involved with agency outreach, home visitation and support services
- Two hundred ninety nine (299) were engaged in KeySteps counseling & support services between July 1, 2014 and June 30, 2015.
- Two hundred forty seven (247) were regular education
- Eighty five (85) were English Language Learners
- Fifty two (52) were classified as Special Education
- Of eighty four (84) KeySteps youth participating in counseling as of June 2015, 10 were expectant and seventy four (74) were parents
- Two hundred twenty five (225) were enrolled in KeySteps life skills, health and wellness education offered between December 2014 and June 2015
- One hundred fourteen (114) KeySteps youth were involved with KeySteps summertime programming during July 2014 and August 2014
- The majority of youth were Latina/o (159) and African American (118)
- Two hundred sixteen (216) were female and eighty three (83) were male
- The majority resided in Dorchester (129) Roxbury (38) Hyde Park (36)
- All youth engaged in counseling services (299) were between the ages of 14 & 25; the majority, (222) were 18 or over.
KeySteps Seniors 2015
Fifty one (51) seniors who participated in KeySteps year round summertime and school-based counseling and support services between July 1, 2014 and June 30, 2015, graduated in June or August 2015.
Three (3) seniors report needing to pass MCAS in order to graduate.
Two (2) seniors report needing to complete online credit recovery programs to graduate.
Twenty six (26) June 2015 graduates report plans to attend local colleges and universities including:
- Bunker Hill Community College - 4
- Massasoit Community College - 1
- Endicott College Boston - 6
- Benjamin Franklin Institute - 5
- UMASS Boston 2
- U Mass Dartmouth 3
- Fisher College - 2
- Massasoit Community College - 1
- Framingham State College - 1
- Bridgewater State University - 1
Three (3) June 2015 graduates report intentions of attending college - but - have not reported - to date - which college they will attend.
Nine (9) June 2015 graduates report attending the KeySteps - Madison Park C N A Program
Ten (10) 2015 graduates are uncertain about their plans for attending college and employment.
Three (3) 2015 graduates are seeking full time employment.